Welcome to "The Whales' Secret" web pages.
Watch the YouTube video of the Book Launch and Whales
About the Story
One Interpretation
The Story becomes a Book and E-Book
About the illustrations and artist Julie Draper
Orcas on Canada's West Coast threatened
FREE E-Book as PDF Download
This is the story about young orca whales who swam further and further, and deeper and deeper than they had ever done before...
It is a story for all children - and the child within each and every one of us - about adventure, going where we've never gone before, about the mysteries and meaning of life; it is about transformation, the peoples of the world, all life, destiny, hope, love, and the heart of humanity; and of course, it is a simple, fun, inspiring and lifting story that will be interpreted differently by each and every reader.
The secret? Ah, that is for you to find out...
The beauty and mystery of this story is that it can be a metaphor for many things.” Mihaela |
Watch the YouTube Video of the Launch and Whales
The Whales' Secret was launched in 2011 at the first ever “Storytime at Sea” on whale boats as part of the 25th Annual Pacific Rim Whale Festival on Vancouver Island in Tofino and Ucluelet, in British Columbia, Canada. On Monday, March 21, from 10 - 11 a.m. I was aboard the Leviathan II docked at Jamie’s Whaling Station in Tofino and on Tuesday, March 22, from 10 - 11 a.m. on board the Lady Selkirk, at Jamie’s Whaling Station in Ucluelet. Hot chocolate was served - and a good time was had by all - more children and grown-ups kept coming until there was standing room only! Thanks go to Jenn at the Festival Office, to assistants Jacquie and Sandra, and to Jamie's Whaling Station.
The YouTube video shows part of the launch and the exciting adventure of being on a whaling boat, in rough seas, surrounded by grey whales. The camera work is a bit choppy, but there are whales... lots of whales...
About the Story
It was while I was meditating on life's direction that this story came, from the same source as "One Seed", from a Bedouin on the desert. I was puzzled. Why would he give me a story about whales and the ocean when I was asking for answers to my direction in life? The Bedouin chuckled, gave me the meat of the story and told me to "fill it in".
I was quite perplexed but two weeks later I came to understand at least one purpose for the story. I was driving north on Vancouver Island towards Port Hardy and was scheduled to stop at the elementary school in Alert Bay. As I pulled off the main road I saw a sign that said, "Ferry to Alert Bay, Home of the Killer Whale." I laughed! It was then I knew I was to tell the story to the children after my regular presentation. This is the wonder and magic of life - everything is in its perfect time!
The children made themselves comfortable and listened as the story unfolded. They loved it. One student asked, "Is that a time travel story?" Another said, "We know where love is."
I'm not going to give the story away here, but I will let you know the whales go on a really big adventure and experience wonderful things around the world. (To get an idea of their adventure visit the Children's Art Gallery.) As a result of their adventure the whales have a secret... and they're not telling!
The more I read this story the more I see in it. There are so many meanings and levels, and I'm sure that everyone who reads it will see it differently. And the secret? It will be your own.
"My favourite part is where the lights say they are free." Danika, Grade 2 |
One Interpretation
One way I look at the story, as a grown-up, is of the soul's journey through this life. It can be interpreted that the whales represent our souls and how they transform into humans for experiences in this world, in all races and creeds, to share knowledge, then return to the ocean of life. It is an inter-dimensional time-travel story, just like the youngster in Alert Bay noted. The story can remind us that we are all of a family, we may journey on alone, but we return to the fold, in this case the whale pod. And, as another youngster said, it is about love.
Julie Draper |
The story becomes a Book and PDF E-Book
After three years "The Whales' Secret" finally became a little book. It took a lot of work and plenty of re-writing and re-editing. And of course, it took collaboration with Julie Draper, a gifted and sensitive artist who loved to paint nature images, for this to become a reality.
As with previous books through Quills Quotes and Notes, "The Whales's Secret" is available in full colour as a small printed version and as a PDF E-Book (see below).
About the illustrations and artist Julie Draper
When Julie Draper first heard this story she just knew she had to illustrate it. She felt such a connection with it, and of course its theme of whales. Julie spent many years with whales on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, in Canada, and had worked on a whale sightseeing boat out of Tofino. Julie worked tirelessly for the preservation of wildlife and nature.
We talked off and on about creating the book and finally in the summer of 2010 we made the commitment to make it a reality. With a rough draft of the text in hand, Julie lovingly created the wonderful paintings that help bring the story to life.
I give my thanks and gratitude. It has been Julie's association with the nature, the environment, the whales of the Pacific Rim and with First Nations that has helped bring about the beautiful energy that can be felt in this creation - "The Whales' Secret". I thank you Julie.
UPDATE: Julie Draper went Home on October 27, 2016 and like the young whales in the story - she got there just in time for supper. A gentle soul, passionate about all things Mother Earth, Julie spread light wherever she went, and Heaven is now a brighter place with her in it. She is missed by the many whose lives she has touched here on Earth. You are truly missed Julie - you left us too soon. Sending love.
"I like the whales. I really like fish." Aidon, Grade 2 |
Orcas on Canada's West Coast threatened
There continues to be the shocking news of the reduced number of orcas on Canada's West Coast. The 75 remaining wild critically endangered salmon-eating Southern Resident Orcas are dying from starvation leaving an effective breeding population of less than 30, near the point of no recovery. There are so many factors that are bringing this about, from climate change to pollution and increased shipping. Their natural environment and feeding grounds are at risk.
And just to make it all the more heart-wrenching, an endangered mother orca mourned the death of her newborn calf by carrying its lifeless body for days off the coast of BC.
The Lifeforce Foundation and others are working to create awareness of this environmental crisis and the threats to all whale species.
The Whales' Secret
by Rosemary Phillips
Illustrations by Julie Draper Published and Copyright 2011 by Rosemary Phillips and Quills Quotes & Notes ISBN 978-0-9866066-2-5 (Printed Version)
ISBN 978-0-9866066-8-7 (PDF E-Book Version)
Made in Canada |