The Whales' Secret - Children's Art Gallery

The Children's Art Gallery

Welcome to "The Whales' Secret" art gallery.

This is the story about young orca whales who swam further and further, and deeper and deeper than they had ever done before...

These are drawings done by children after they have heard, read, or seen the story of "The Whales' Secret".

Click here to get your FREE DOWNLOAD as a PDF E-book.

Then, if you have a drawing you would like posting in the gallery send it to Rosemary at QQandN, either as an original by regular mail so it can be scanned, or e-mail it as a JPEG.

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Leslea of BC

by Blake

by Kelsey S. of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Morgan L. of BC

by Sylvia of BC

by Mitchell B. of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Braden T. of BC

by Ansellustratus of BC

by Owen of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Jessica S. of BC

by Jussy C. of BC

by Jarod K. of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Jordan B. of BC

by Noah of BC

by Jazmyne of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

Magic by Danika C. of BC

by Joseph R. of BC

by Joseph T. of BC

Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret  Children’s Art for The Whales’ Secret

by Tye of BC

by Aidon of BC

by Calista of BC

The Whales' Secret
by Rosemary Phillips
Illustrations by Julie Draper
Published and Copyright 2011
by Rosemary Phillips and Quills Quotes & Notes
ISBN 978-0-9866066-2-5 (Printed Version)
ISBN 978-0-9866066-8-7 (PDF E-Book Version)
Made in Canada

Copyright © 2002- Rosemary Phillips, Quills Quotes & Notes   All rights reserved
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