Music and Performance with Rosemary Phillips

Index of Songs by Rosemary Phillips - Lyrics, Chords, Vidoes, Downloads

Thank You

Watch the sing-along video put to photos - HERE!
About the song Thank You
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Sing-Along Video with Photos
It just seemed so appropriate to make the song into a video featuring photos I had taken of a journey across Canada, and of a visit to the John Denver Meadowlands and the Windstar Land Conservancy in Snowmass, Colorado, during a Volunteer Work Weekend in 2010. The lyrics are also shown with the pictures, so the video can be used for singing along.

About the song Thank You
From the album - Homemade with Rosemary
Words and music, vocals and guitar by Rosemary Phillips, 1989
Bass - Jim Ryan
Percussion - Dave Brummet
Recorded and engineered at Cactus Studios, Grand Forks BC Canada
Produced by Rosemary Phillips and John Vere

Thank You was originally written for Thanksgiving in 1989 for a church and its members to sing. I couldn't find a song at the time that really expressed all that I felt and still feel thankful for. I was inspired by the following "Thanksgiving Address of the North American Indian" and when reading it I put what I felt into words for a church to sing, for all churches and all people to sing, together. The following is the address:

Thanksgiving Address of the North American Indian
From: Tewaarathon

Long before there were any white people in North America, our people communicated with the Creator at every sunrise and at every sunset. Our way of communication was one of Thanksgiving - a Thanksgiving for all the gifts that were bestowed on us by the Creator. With the finest words that could be spoken, our ancesters acknowledged all the life forces on Mother Earth and everything else between them and the dwelling place of the Great Spirit, Our Creator. Our elders would tell us, "We have directed our voices towards our Creator in the best way we are able to do. Let us be satified that we have acknowledged the creations around and above us. We believe that the Creator wishes us to regard the life cycle with the greatest respect and appreciation. Our thanks are to be expressed with each new day."

Thank You was then recorded for the album Homemade with Rosemary and is included in several church song books.

Please share Thank You the song and lyrics. Feel free to copy them and perform them. Enjoy them in love and peace. This is my gift as a thank you for all the blessings that have been bestowed and continue to be bestowed upon my life.
In Gratitude for All that Is

Download Song - FREE!
For download of the song please follow this link.
You will require a media player such as Windows or iTunes.


I gaze upon the morning sun
The sky's a golden hue
And everywhere I turn to look
New life is shining through.

So, thank you for the beauty
That life has given me
Thank you for the joy and love
That helps to set me free.
Thank you for the splendour
In everything I see
Everything I hear and touch
That helps me truly be.

I walk upon my chosen path
Where I know I belong
And should I slip or lose my way
I know I'm carried on.
I move through times of joy and woe
That come at every turn
Times of growth, and times of love –
The lessons I must learn.

So, thank you for the beauty
That life has given me
Thank you for the joy and love
That helps to set me free.
Thank you for the splendour
In everything I see
Everything I hear and touch
That helps me truly be.

I gaze upon the evening sun
And watch it slip away
In glorious hues from red to blues
Now ends another day.
I know that I am going Home
To be where I come from,
Another world, another time,
I know that life goes on.

So, thank you for the beauty
That life has given me
Thank you for the joy and love
That helps to set me free.
Thank you for the splendour
In everything I see
Everything I hear and touch
That helps me truly be.

Guitar Chords

Verse - C Am G F G F D7 F D7 G (repeat for second and third verses)
Chorus - G C D7 G Em Am D D7 G (repeat)

Published and distributed by Quills Quotes & Notes

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