Music and Performance with Rosemary Phillips

Index of Songs by Rosemary Phillips - Lyrics, Chords, Vidoes, Downloads

The Opening Door

Words and music by Rosemary Phillips SOCAN
From the CD Homemade with Rosemary
Link for FREE Download and Livestream


Watch for an opening door
Watch for an opening door
Taking you where you've never been before.

Crystal drops upon the floor
As I walk through an opening door
Trusting as I step along
Singing with the universal song of...
Love that leads me gently forward
Love that heals my wounds
Love that shines from every corner
Love that leads me Home, leads me Home.

Watch for an opening door
Watch for an opening door
Taking you where you've never been before.

The past is gone, it is no more
As I release what went before
And look ahead to life anew
With strength and hope to find what's true, with...
Faith that leads me gently forward
Faith that heals my wounds,
Faith that shines from every corner
Faith that warms my heart, warms my heart.

Watch for an opening door
Watch for an opening door
Taking you where you've never been before.

And now I'm through that open door
And find so many many more
Opening here and opening there
As doors are opening everywhere, with...
Love that leads me gently forward,
Love that heals my wounds,
Love that shines from every corner
Love that says I'm Home, says I'm Home.

Watch for an opening door
Watch for an opening door
Taking you where you've never been before.
Watch for an opening door
Watch for an opening door
Taking you where you've never been before.... (to fade)


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