Music and Performance with Rosemary Phillips

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Love's Heart

Words and music by Rosemary Phillips SOCAN
From the CD Homemade with Rosemary
Link for FREE Download and Livestream

GUITAR CHORDS: Capo on 2nd - F C C7 F - Dm C Dm C Dm C Dm G7 C

We all know sorrow, we all know pain
Of grief and loss, again and again.
We know the anguish, when torn apart
As daggers tear our troubled heart.
The pain is real, it lingers on
It fills our mind with a saddened song.
We lose all joy and hope of cheer
Even though help's always near.

Then Love takes us by the hand
And softly cleans our heart
Love gently gives us strength
To heal and feel a part, of Love's heart.

We know the seasons, they come and go
The winter's cold, and the bright summer's glow,
The spring that lifts our spirits high
The fall as flowers fade and die.

Then Love takes us by the hand
And softly cleans our heart
Love gently gives us strength
To heal and feel a part, of Love's heart.

Know that the heart has seasons too
It feels the changes we're going through
From joy to pain and back again
It never ever stays the same.

Then Love takes us by the hand
And softly cleans our heart
Love gently gives us strength
To heal and feel a part, of Love's heart. (Repeat)


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