Music and Performance with Rosemary Phillips

Index of Songs by Rosemary Phillips - Lyrics, Chords, Vidoes, Downloads

A Candle of Light

Words and music by Rosemary Phillips SOCAN
From the CD Homemade with Rosemary

Link to Candle of Light FREE audio download and livestream.

GUITAR CHORDS: G C D G C D G / C D G Em C D C D G - (capo on 2nd fret)

A candle of light shows me the way
Through the darkest dark to the bright of day
I feel the hope, then know and see
The anwers to life are inside me.

And I know I am the answer,
I know I am the light,
I know I am the love,
I am I, I am, I am.

The magic of the universe is in sight
Its mysteries and wonders are pure delight
Yet I doubt and fear what they show
Until my candle of light starts to glow.

Then I know I am the answer,
I know I am the light,
I know I am the love,
I am I, I am, I am.

Yes, I am I, in radiant light
Loving energy, warm and bright.
I shine with all that is in sight,
I seek the truth and want what's right.

And I know I am the answer,
I know I am the light,
I know I am the love,
I am I, I am, I am.

You are you, in radiant light
Loving energy, warm and bright
You shine with all that is in sight
You seek the truth and want what's right.

And you know you are the answer,
You know you are the light,
You know you are the love,
You are you, you are, you are.

The candle of light is in everyone
Shining bright like the noon day sun.
It's source is a mystery still unknown
And maybe one day we all will learn...

That we know we are the answer,
We know we are the light,
We know we are the love,
We are one, we are, we are one.

We know we are the answer,
We know we are the light,
We know we are the love,
We are one, we are, we are one,
We are one, we are, we are one.


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