Articles by Rosemary Phillips

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It's Not Alzheimer's - Memory Loss, Disease, and New Technology

It's Not Alzheimer's - Memory Loss, Disease, and New Technology

An article by Rosemary Phillips, written in 2011 but so relevant today

Those lost words
It's not Alzheimer's - it's new technology
Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and Electromagnetic Static Interference (ESI)
Like overloaded computer memory
Increased speed of information
Information overload
Time, money, greed, profit and continued growth
Stress and challenges for the immune system
Addiction and social behaviours
It's the dis-ease of new technology

INTRO: A young man in his early twenties was overheard saying, “I often find I can’t remember words. I’ll be talking away and just blank out.” A young woman, also in her twenties, overheard that comment and said, “You know, I have that same problem. I thought I had Alzheimer’s but I hear so many others saying the same thing – they forget words.”
People of all ages are being affected. Recently, a woman in her forties said to me; “I forget words. I’ve been worried it might be Alzheimer’s.” And a friend in her sixties said, “I thought maybe it was my chemotherapy that’s affected my memory.”
Now, in 2025, hundreds of satellites circle the globe, all radiating EMFs so that everyone can use their SmartPhones for the latest information, or to keep in touch, constantly. Our bodies are basically being invaded. I sit here with a satellite hub in the centre of my home (the only way to receive internet in rural BC in the mountains), receiving full reception, so I sense the air in this room is thick with EMFs, even though I have everything 'wired.' I just can't see the waves. Which must mean I am receiving waves from all my neighbours' satellites and more. The Ancient Egyptians in their Initiations had a solution to get away from all interference - a sarcophagus in the centre of a pyramid.
As you will see from the new illustration below, we are being bombarded. No wonder so many have stress, lack of energy, disease. What do you think?

Those lost words
This last year many people shared with me their stories about lost words. I have also witnessed numerous people stop midstream in a sentence then look blank and confused. I have often found myself doing the same, and have been puzzled and frustrated because I know full well that the word or name is in my memory, somewhere. And what can be more puzzling is that while the word or name becomes elusive, images can be seen clearly in the mind’s eye. I have sat at a table chatting away with a group of friends, then suddenly all of us have stopped, unable to remember a person’s name, and yet we could all see that person’s face in our visual memory. Very strange indeed!

It's not Alzheimer's - it's new technology
It doesn’t take rocket science to see a source of the problem. Maybe the following diagram will shed some light on the issue – with a theory that I have yet to see addressed in the scientific community. I am not a scientist yet I can sense where the problem lies – in new technology and the invasion of our own individual magnetic fields by the overdose of waves and signals from all the new wireless communication devices. While scientists and researchers are focussing their energies on the possible carcinogenic effects brought about by the use of these new devices, little seems to be addressing a much more serious issue – our minds and memories and our own electromagnetic fields.

A Little History of Electromagnetic Frequencies

A little history of electromagnetic frequencies

Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and
   Electromagnetic Static Interference (ESI)

Thousands of years ago the only waves known to be on planet Earth were natural. By 1901 C.E. there were still only natural electromagnetic waves around the planet but by 1940 there were radio and television waves, transmission towers and TV antennae. At that time there were very few radio and television stations broadcasting. By 1980 radio and TV stations were everywhere; this was also the time when space and satellites were the new horizon. Thirty years later, 2011, we are being bombarded not only with radio and television, but cell phones, microwaves and satellite signals from all directions that travel through any kind of material, including our bodies. Every time a cell phone rings, or Ipod, Blackberry, Blue Tooth or Ipad is used, or Twitter, or texting, there has to be a signal to trigger it and that signal is in the space around us and through us, coming from a transmitting tower and a satellite.
What is this doing to our own electromagnetic patterns and rhythms, brain waves and neopeptides? The loss of words can only mean that the “little grey cells” and our own energy fields are not operating in pace with the new technology. We do have excellent memories; it’s just that our recall is now subjected to short circuits and what could be called Electromagnetic Static Interference (ESI), rather like the interference on old television sets when something else in the house was turned on.

Like overloaded computer memory
It’s like a computer that has only so much memory. When that memory is overloaded with too much information, or there is too much data coming all at once, the time taken to open documents, files and information is much longer. In addition the computer may crash, as is often the case. And so it is with our own brains, neopeptides, natural electromagnetic systems – our memory – and recall is slowed or crashes.

Additional problems with new technology

Increased speed of information
Those living in the 1900`s went from horse and buggy to cars and rockets. Technologically- speaking they went from the old black box telephone to the cell-phone. Correspondence and business has gone from the old typewriter to the Gestetner machine, photocopier, fax, e-mail and now texting. To send a letter would take a few days by post followed by time for a response, usually about a week or even longer. Communication was much slower. And yet, business was completed and carried on and thrived.

Information overload
Media of all kinds over the last twenty years have layered information. Television, in particular, has such a fast pace and includes several images on the screen at one time. Take for example the news; while images are flashing at high speed the announcer addresses the camera and at the bottom of the screen is a running text of other news. Visual media is not content to just deliver one source of information at a time, but many. With all the new communication tools happening in synchronicity an individual can be doing several things at once. This can and does lead to overload.

Time, money, greed, profit and continued growth
Time: Workers are now required to process much more information in a day than in 2000 or 1990. There is pressure for instant action, response and deadlines which didn`t exist twenty years ago. Time has become instant, like a snap of a finger. Money: For centuries the value of a penny remained constant. Only in the last one hundred years has money so devalued with inflation that a penny is worthless. Profit: With this inflation and demand for increased profits the human being and worker is expected to increase output at the same rate, while in most cases, receiving either the same rate of pay, or as is quite common, less pay. Growth: And all the while, business and corporations are continuously demanding growth. To what end?

Stress and challenges for the immune system
We may not be consciously aware of this, but all of the issues mentioned here create added stress for humanity. And stress, as is fully documented and researched, affects our immune systems and leaves us all more susceptible to disease and illness. How many people that you know personally have depression? Are tired? Are in pain?

Addiction and social behaviours
Use of the new communication tools and games can become addictive, particularly in the young. Ask any parent who has encountered unusually high internet and phone bills. The other day a parent informed me that for three months her son suffered from insomnia, nervousness, loss of focus, alienation, poor school grades, and removed himself from his family and friends. The reason? He had become addicted to playing games throughout the night. The family took action and disconnected the internet. Now their son is back in the family and is communicating verbally more than ever before.
Add to this the continuous use of the cell-phone while in public, on the street, in a shop, on the bus or train, and unfortunately, even while driving. It used to be that when you heard someone on the street talking to themselves they were “odd”. Now it is common place. But again, remember, that any time anyone’s cell phone goes off beside you, those electromagnetic rays travelled through and around you to get to that phone.

It’s the dis-ease of new technology
Next time you forget a word or two, a name, a place or thing, or get words twisted around, just relax and think about all the madness and stress around you that is causing it. Breathe deeply and know that you don`t have Alzheimer`s or Old Timer`s Disease, it`s the Dis-ease of Technology surpassing our natural electromagnetism. A cure could come with our magnetic fields adapting to the frequencies. Another would be if the world stopped – that electricity was switched off around the planet – then there would be - SILENCE! And peace of mind!

Other effects
If we as humans are being affected by these EMFs and communication devices, what about the animal, marine, avian, insect and plant kingdoms? Are they being affected?
And what of those who experience psychiatric challenges and emotional disorders, how are they being affected?

What do you think? Let me know. I will start a section on people's response.

NOTE: There are many more articles on this site - see Index of Articles.

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